Krib question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 3, 2006
Ok, so i want to get a krib but can these be kept in brackish water? Ive seen them listed as both. At this point the only aquarium I have room in is my fig 8 tank which is low brackish around 1.005.
I really dont wanna sound like Im correcting everything you say because I'm far from an expert but in doin my research almost every site I find says krib come from light brackish waters but can be kept in either condition. As for other fish being kept with figure 8's I'd have to disagree. Depending on the individual puffer it can work. I've had my figure 8 with a marbled goby for a few months and the figure 8 hasnt even gotten aggressive when the goby has tried to steal food from the puffer.

Has anyone here kept kribs in brackish water and had success?
Although the genus pelvachromatis (kribs), come from Africa, they are not lake fish. They are from the Niger River which is soft slightly acidic water. Still, it might be possible to keep these fish in slightly brackish conditions. I've never done so but many species can adapt without stress.
Kribs are pretty adaptable. I hadn't heard about it until now, but I did some research and it does say they can be brackish, and I believe it.

I'd be more worried about compatibility issues. If you get them, I wouldn't go for a pair if I were you. How big is the tank and how big is the puffer?
The tank is a 55 gallon hex so its more tall than long. The puffer is about 2in head to tail and mainly stays in the top 2/3's of the tank unless looking for food. There is also a marbled goby in the tank which stays on the bottom of the tank. So far the two have got along great with no problems.
Well I saw the kribs and I had to have them. I could put them in my 20 gallon freshwater tank but I'd probably have more problems with them in that tank than the brackish tank. Plus the brackish tank only has 2 fish and could use more stocking. Im also not that big of a fan of the scats or monos. I could get more puffers but i like a little diversity in my tank.
Hey this is from:

"Kribensis is a dwarf cichlid from West African Deltas, living in slightly brackish waters. They will tolerate a pH of 6.5 to 7.5 and a temperature from 25 degrees to 29 degrees. Males are of a long oval shape with extended fins whilst females are rounder with shorter fins. The basic colour of these cichlids is ivory with a brown lateral band which runs horizontally - this is when they are in the petshops. But when in full colour, the colouring of these cichlids can be quite impressive. They will exhibit colours of intense red, purple, oranges and yellows if right water conditions are obtained. Kribensis are peaceful to other fish but sometimes they can be very aggressive during breeding times and to eachother. Kribensis are secret brooders - they spawn in caves and are easy to breed. They like driftwood, rocks and plants as their landscape - mix them with other peaceable fish, make sure the fish arén't too small or exceedingly aggressive. Kribensis are gorgeous and delightful little fish - just be sure to provide them with a decent aquarium. Keep them in groups so that they can pair off, if you do get a pair, remove the other Kribensis for pairs attack singular Kribensis."
Well I got my 2 kribs today (I think a male and female but not sure) and after 2-3 hrs of acclimating they are now in the tank. The puffer doesnt really seem to mind the 2 new fish only looking at them once or twice but the marbled goby is a different story. He basically follows them around everywhere they go every once and a while being aggressive. I'll have to watch this and see what happens.
I am a Krib fan, I've been breeding the same pair for 3 1/2 years now. They have given me about 400 babies which I have sold. I am curious to your progress with them in brackish water. Please keep us updated on your progress.
Well so far everything seems to be going fine after the first few days. The krib and other fish have seemed to settle in and are now less agressive towards each other. More and more I think I have 2 male krib but am still not for sure. I may try to post some pictures in the next few days for some help identifying so I can work on getting a pair.
Well its been 2 weeks now so I thought I'd give you an update. I ended up losing one of the krib after about 1 week mainly due to the two males fighting and then my other fish picking on the weakened fish. The other however is still doing great even swiming right up to the puffer with no aggression between either one.
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