Kribensis not spawning help?!?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 16, 2009
I have had my 2 kribs now for about 2 months, bought them just at the start of december. Whilst looking for the best 2 kribs i noticed 2 being very friendly with each other so i decided to buy these 2. now since they have been in my community, the female is still up for it, showing really intense colours and a nice red/purple stomach area and shimmy's around in front of the male at every oppertunity, but he just doesn't seem to be much interested. There are 3 hiding spots where the eggs could be layed.
Any ideas or thoughts about this will be greatly appreciated :p.
Large water changes are your best bet, especially when a low pressure front is coming in. Change out 50% every day for 3-5 days and see what happens. Also try feeding them live foods or something like bloodworms.
Ok, i will give this a try starting on Monday and do it throughout the week.
I don't really like using live foods but i have been using frozen food like bloodworm, brineshrimp and have been feeding something different everytime, now and then giving some good old flakes. I will post again sometime next week to let you know if it worked.
Shimmying Male

My male krib is now responding to my female by doing the shimmy dance, hopefully this means that they will breed soon, i really hope that they do
I take it that this is a good sign then yes?
How much cooler should the water be roughly?
How long after the water change do u think they will spawn, because i just saw the female go vertical in the cave with the male before he went and chased my gold gourami, which i read is another sign?
hopefully :D, they seem to be sticking to the one corner of the tank and the male is driving off any other fish that comes near.
I will keep you posted as to what happens :D
What do you have in the tank for them to spawn in?.....Some sort of cave like a small flower pot on it's side or a coconut shell?......They like to spawn in private;-)
Thanks for the info Dano01, they have at least 3 places which they can use for spawning and i am just leaving it to them to decide which they think is the best.
They Are Spawning!!!! It's taken forever but they are finally starting to lay eggs, altough they are using something that i didn't think they would. they are laying the eggs under a moss ball plant :D so excited!!!! thanks for your help everyone who gave some :D
well i wouldn't call it a flat surface exactly but they are stuck to the underside of the moss ball which just sits on the gravel. every now and then the female will squeeze herself under to "check" that all the eggs are still where she left them and when she returns from underneath she seems to almost say to the male that everything is fine its amazing to sit and watch. i shall keep everyone who would like to know informed about when they hatch and stuff but i will just keep using this forum :D
Hi Fishyfriend09... How are they doing? Do you have fry yet? The first time my Kribs laid eggs she ate them and didn't lay again. Then I put two new pair in with the other two and the new pair laid eggs within a week. After they did I moved the old pair back to a smaller tank and it looks like they want to spawn. Mark my fish guy told me that when it comes to spawning it is a competition for them.

Good Luck and to see pictures and video of the Kribs and Fry go here...

Happy Spawning...
Hi Fishyfriend09... How are they doing? Do you have fry yet? The first time my Kribs laid eggs she ate them and didn't lay again. Then I put two new pair in with the other two and the new pair laid eggs within a week. After they did I moved the old pair back to a smaller tank and it looks like they want to spawn. Mark my fish guy told me that when it comes to spawning it is a competition for them.

Good Luck and to see pictures and video of the Kribs and Fry go here...

Happy Spawning...
Hi KribKrazyNess. everything seems to be going well so far but the eggs haven't hatched yet, i hear this takes between 3 and 4 days. if this is right then the eggs should either hatch 2morrow (monday) or tuesday. but i must say that the female is extremely enthusiastic about her eggs, she darts around the area where the eggs are and is always flashing to the male and trying to bring him back to the area if he strays too far. i will keep you all posted
It actually takes about 2-3 days to hatch, depending on tank temp. Im surprised she layed them there. They usually shoot for the roof of a cave. I would like to see how this turns out. Ohhhh, incase you didn;t know, the ph affects the sex of your fry. A ph of 7.1 + will give you more males, a ph of 6.9 - will give you more females. A ph of 7.0 will give you a good mixture of the 2.
The eggs hatched late Sunday night and the female has moved them to a different location but what I don't understand now is that the fry are White in colour. The parents are both the normal colour form but is it possible that the fry could be albino?
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