Legal "Easy" floating aquatic plants.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 9, 2012
Hey guys I live in Texas and I've been looking to get some cool floating plants, but I just learned giant duck weed and water lettuce are both illegal. My question is what would be a good legal easy water plant I could have? Those are really the only 2 floating plants I've heard of. I have two floating anacharis and it doesn't look great . Also can I buy miniature duckweed if only giant duck weed is illegal? Loophole?
Frogbit is a really good one. I use small water hyacinths in my tanks. Regular duckweed can be a pain to get out of a tank unless you have fish that will eat it.
Red root floater! I love it. It's hard to get though. Took me forever to find.
Red root floater! I love it. It's hard to get though. Took me forever to find.

Can't find it here in Missouri and I am pretty sure it's illegal in FL. It's one of those plants you have to check and see what your state says. But I agree it's really pretty. (y)
If you live in the SA/ATX area I could hook you up with frogbit and salvinia minima. Might also have some hygroyza aristata.
Floating plants

Hey guys I live in Texas and I've been looking to get some cool floating plants, but I just learned giant duck weed and water lettuce are both illegal. My question is what would be a good legal easy water plant I could have? Those are really the only 2 floating plants I've heard of. I have two floating anacharis and it doesn't look great . Also can I buy miniature duckweed if only giant duck weed is illegal? Loophole?

Hello gob...

I have these in my tanks: Anacharis, Pennywort, Water sprite and Water wisteria. All fast growers if floated close to the light source. No special demands that I know. Keep the tank water pure by removing and replacing half the tank volume every week and dose a good plant fert a couple of times a week.

Duckweed is invasive and will crowd out the others. I keep it skimmed off the top so there's plenty of light for the other plants. I like Tetra's "Flora Pride", an easy to dose liquid fert.

I don't know how big water lettuce will grow inside but when I put small water hyacinth's inside the tank from one of our ponds they stayed small and never got huge like when they are outside. I think it's because the tank light isn't near as strong as sunlight. So I have to wonder if water lettuce would do the same. If you have water lettuce available I'd try finding the smallest ones you can and try them. You'll never know if you don't try.
how to grow water lettuce in indoor?help please!

As long as you have sufficient light & some ferts, water lettuce grows & spreads easily. I know people sell 'dwarf water lettuce' but theres no such thing- its just plain water lettuce. I suspect the lack of actual sunlight is the main contributing factor in its size. I brought some indoors a few mths ago and the larger plants gradually died off but they sent out hundreds of little runners with tiny little new water lettuces- none of them have grown larger than maybe nickel to quarter size but most a dime-size or smaller. Outside, they grow a foot across.
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