LF Low light plants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 28, 2006
I'm just starting out and plant selection in my area is very limited. If anyone is pruning and has low light plants please let me know. Java fern or moss, anubias nana, dwarf hairgrass, watersprite...just anything that will grow in a bit less than 2 wpg. You may also email me at Gena575@aim.com (hopefully posting email addy isn't against the rules here :) )
Certainly not against the rules...but you should always consider how many folks you want to have access to it. This is one of the reasons this site provides Private Messages.
Where are you located? I have some Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) if your interested, just check my gallery for pics of the tank. PM me if interested, and in the US.
Thanks for the replies! I should have mentioned that I live in Illinois. Also, when it is time to prune, I will of course be offering my clippings.
I am also just starting out looking for low light plants, I live in new hampshire and would love any plants coming my way! PM me if anyone has something to part with!
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