lighting questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 8, 2012
Cedar Rapids, IA
I'm buying myself new lights for my 120, I have 2 coralife aqualights and they do OK, but they don't give me the richness and the brilliant colors I'm after, I've been looking at metal halide/ T5 combos on eBay and also LEDs that replace metal halides, which would be better and give me that brilliant blues that I see on so many other reef tanks
Yo tang, I just bought R420R 60w for a 20g, that's 300$ and that's worth the price !!! The 16000k version make colors amazings !!!

You can get a 120w or 160w model for your 120g.

R420r LED Lighting System

That's my tank the second day after I setup it
6 point timer for 2 channels is included on the device. So he light open progressively to stimulate morning and sunset. I really enjoy it !

No need to replace fluorescent that are polluant, thoses leds will last around 10-15 years.
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