Line breeding help?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 30, 2016
I understand the idea of culling the undesirables to perfect a line. However I'm not quite sure what I should be working on with these guys. received_10155981362020744.jpeg It's a rare mixed coloration and we have tallied up 3 of them. They have half black half white body(foot antennae and all). They are mystery snails.

So far all of them have come with an ivory shell. We are going to focus on breeding until they all breed true. At what point should we mix other colored shells in to get the other shell colorations with this body coloration? Which generation would you suggest?

I will add more photos either tonight or tomorrow depending on when the macro lense arrives.
Ok slightly better photos, it's hard to get pictures because they are still smaller than a dime or dime sized.



I don't know what happened but photos that aren't even on my phone uploaded and some double posted ?


Also we would appreciate any suggestions for naming this body coloration. We have just been calling them Yins.
We thought chimerism too, but we kept getting them from different clutches from the same snail. Considering how rare chimerism is, the odds of finding 3 would be odd
Well I'd start with the 'starter' snail, and start breeding it with the offspring, and offspring with offspring. Be very interesting to see
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