Looks like gray skin parasite, does not respond to treatment

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2006
I've got a columbian tetra that has gray-black spots on his skin. He has been quarantined for some time now (~ 4 weeks) with an ichy killie. The killie responded to acriflavine treatment, and I would transfer him back but the tetra's affliction hasn't cleared up. I don't want to net out the killie and risk contamination of my main tank. Thoughts?


  • blackspot_621.jpg
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Just discoloration. It acts normal, eats fine. It was getting picked on in the old tank though when he started showing this color.
I don't think anything is wrong with it, that it's just got a discoloration. Could have been from getting picked on, could just be an unusual color. If the fish is acting fine, I don't see a reason to keep it in QT away from it's buddies.

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