Lowering Aggresion

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2005
Since I have a feeling my Blue Channel Cats will start to get a little agressive eventually I have a couple of options..

1) once they get aggressive move them to a tank withjust them (probly a 45 hex)

2) get rid of them

3) find a way to lower the agresion

I would rather do the latter of the 3 options, but I dont know if their is a way.
number 3 is probably very hard to do....2 is a possibility but i would find someone reliable or a lfs, if you do #1 i would not make it a hex being that they have to be able to turn and lots of swimming so maybe a 45 long or just jump to a 55 if you are able too

good luck! :D
I would say 2) get rid of them.

They reach a size of a little over 4 feet long.
Are you talking about Ictalurus punctatus? If so they will not get "a little agressive" they will eat any small fish in their tank.....They are cold water predators....Unless I am mistaken and there is another species of blue channel cat. Forget the 45 hex you need a big backyard pool!
yea i know.. but all i have is a 45 hex

wasnt expecting them to be agressive when i bought em
A 4 foot long (will be 4' long) catfish can't live in a 45 gal hex. I would put them in a large pond or an 8,000 gal+ tank.
Well you could always grow them to a certain size and then eat them. But be careful when attempting to move them from the tank to the frying pan cause the stout spine and dorsal spine can cause nasty wounds. LOL
greenmagi said:
Its a channelcat.. it could get twice that long.. 8-9' getting rid of them is the only option.. :( :(

I. punctatus only reach 5' maximum....but it is still far too large for anythoing sort of a 1000 gallon aquarium....you are going to have to rehome them.
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