malawi plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 2, 2004
i wanted to put some plants in my malawi cichlid tank. i was wondering what kind would be best. any suggestions?
There are several varieties of plants that will work well in a Malawian cichlid tank, but you should plan on providing at least one watt of lighting per gallon of tank size to grow any of them well. Here's a short list of good low-light (1-1.5 wpg) plants:

Java Fern
Water Sprite
Cryptocoryne wendtii (and most other types of Cryptocorynes)
Java Moss
Anubias (almost any kind)
Sagittaria (more toward the high end of the light scale)
Vallisneria (most types)

There are quite a few other types of plants that may also do well in low-light situations, those I listed are just the most common. One note: I've tried to keep Vallisneria in my African cichlid tank and my fish ate it like it was a salad bar. Others have reported better luck. HTH :)
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