Marble Oscar... :D

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 20, 2006

So I had to get this fish! I saw it at the fish store and I immediately told them to bag it and I am taking it home! I know he'll grow huge but he is a little guy now. Only an inch or so. The cool thing is my Jack Dempsey protects it from the convict! Its pretty interesting to say the least. However if the JD isn't there and the convict comes close to the Osacar he floats on his side and acts like hes dead! Coolest thing I have seen! Well enjoy the pic.


In about 3 months or so I'll have the fundings to get a 75gal tank! :p

I am hoping that a JD, Convict and this little oscar will be in a good sized stocked tank!

Nice looking juvenile Tiger O.
I hope you realize that those are juvenile markings and will change as he matures into a normally colored/patterned Tiger O.

Also you'll ideally need something larger than a 75gal if you plan to keep the three cichlids together.
A 75gal would take very heavy filtration and frequent water changes to maintain water quality stocked with these three.
But most of all it wouldn't provide the area for territory and this will most likely lead to aggression isssues.
I'd suggest a 100>gal and heavy filtration.
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