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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 10, 2009
What media are you using in your planted tanks?

preferably what you're using in your aquaclear filter.
same regimen as un-planted tanks.


wet/dry sump w/ scrubbies and bio balls
ac110 w/ filter sponge and bio-max pellets
hmm i don't have a sump i'm just going to be running an ac20. my tank is only ten gallons.

i think i understand now though. the two types of filter media i need are mech for regular debris in the tank and bio for the NO2 and NO3 breakdown.

the mech is just a filter pad that collects any floating nonsense and the bio is for letting the bacteria grow?

so i guess in the ac20 you drop the balls in the bottom of the filter and then the pad goes in some sort of slot by the outflow?
if you are buying an ac20, you will have all the media you need. it comes with a rinseable sponge for mech filtration, and a package of bio-max pellets for bio. (bio-max has something like 6x the surface area of the next leading bio-media. so it will be fine in your 10g tank).

the package will also come with a bag of activated carbon, but you will not need it. you can either trash it, or keep it on hand in case you need it down the road to remove meds from your tank.

with the carbon out of the basket, you will have room for more mech filtration (poly-fill, filter floss, jap mat, filter pads, etc) or more bio-max (or ceramic rings if you want to go that route). you should be able to find both at your LFS. while its probably not necessary to add more, it is an option.
thanks a ton exodon. i'm going to give it a shot.

all i have to do now is find a good price. i've seen ranging from 28-39 bucks.

thanks everyone for the help.

I'm going to post pictures of the tanks progress once i get the last of my stuff together and in the tank.
i just use sponges. i also just buy the ac110 sponges and cut them down. something like 2-3 at petsmart.
mgamer do you use any sort of bio media in there?
and i'm assuming you have the ac30?
i have ac20 ac30 ac50 ac70 and several of each. since plants act like a bio filter i use the filters more of keeping the water clear then anything.

Does the carbon have any effects i can use it for even in a planted tank? I think someone said i should save it to take out meds if need be.
unless you are dosing meds, you do not need the carbon. even if you add it in the tank, its useless after 5-7 days, and all it is doing is taking up space in the media basket. its best to just hold on to it until you need it later (if you ever need it)

i bought another pad with the filter today.

so it's mech/bio/mech and most of the dust from the soil got pulled out while i was at class.

Is it a bad idea that i'm keeping both filters going while the ac20 builds up a bacteria community?
you only get so much bacteria growth from what I understand.... I do defer to other members here as they have more knowledge than I do.

But at the same time there should be a bacteria colony inhabiting the new filter soon.... as the old bacteria die off other stray strands will find new places to hide and grow.
Is it a bad idea that i'm keeping both filters going while the ac20 builds up a bacteria community?

not a bad idea at all. its actually the safest way to go. just as long as the current in the tank isnt too much for the fish inside, youre good to go
I had 2 HOBs going in a 20g tank (using one to cycle a 30g tank now)....

.... One thing I have seen people say over and over again is that there is no such thing as too much filtration.

Just like EK said, make sure the water is not too turbulent for the fish.
.... One thing I have seen people say over and over again is that there is no such thing as too much filtration.

that saying is meant more figuratively than anything. lol.

there are a few things that can warrant "too much filtration"
the main one being the current in the tank. too much flow in the tank can stress your fish, and make them ill, or worse, kill them :(
while river fish would be perfectly fine, gish that come from more still waters, will not appreciate the flow.

another major thing is having your water flowing faster than your bacterial colonies can convert the ammonia. generally, even on high powered systems, we dont run flow ratings that would make this an issue, it can be a problem if you go a little too crazy. :p

but personally, im with you... no such thing as too much filtration. :D
trying to get that happy medium :) by not having a 60mph current in the tank.

The bacteria is also in the sand/gravel, and plants help a well if there is a high flow rate through the filter.

Funny thing is with one of my angels, it will swim near the bubble wand, and from what I have read angels don't like a lot of water movement cause of their body shape. Maybe I have a thrill seeker and it is the fish version of a roller coaster :)

I forget when I got my first aquarium, 10 to 12 months ago. Amazing how much I have learned since then. Mostly thanks to coming here.

Oh I did seem to have a fungus outbreak in my one tank. Fish dying with no symptoms, but would be covered with white cottony fuzz after they died (had been sitting a few hours while I was either at work or sleeping) and the water parameters were fine. I did dose the tank....

..after dosing the tank I waited the 24 hours, did the PWC and then slit the filter media bag to add new carbon. So far so good.
In my hob filters including aquaclear, I just use the floss cartridges or sponges. Once in a while I will use carbon for a short period of time to polish the water, 24 to 48 hours.
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