Meet my new clownies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 4, 2012
My tank finally cycled. Bought these two today, they were paired already.


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That's awesome... Other than a clown goby I acquired when I bought my live rock, my 2 mocha clowns were my first fish too
Thanks. They are so lively. One likes to swim in PH current and then lets go and glides with the flow. It's so funny to see. They already staked out their territory, one has claimed a cave. Too cute:)
Nice! My clowns bite me when my hand is in the water little buggers :cool:
Benamayer said:
Nice! My clowns bite me when my hand is in the water little buggers :cool:

Ouch! My clown is always curious as to what I'm doing, so she's always coming right up to my arm and hand. Ive read many times about people's clowns biting them, so it always makes a little nervous when she comes right up to me. So far, no bites though. :)
First week, my clownies played together and swam together peacefully. Today, the smaller one, started attacking the larger, and now has it confined to a section of rock. Whenever the prisoner tries to venture out, it gets attacked viciously, I thought they were matched. What's going on?
What is their size difference? It could just be a dominance thing since its a new environment...
Very nice tank and clownies! :) That's what I'm getting next! 2 of those lil guys!
Benamayer said:
What is their size difference? It could just be a dominance thing since its a new environment...

The aggressive one is smaller than the docile one. I had to separate them, she/he wouldn't let she/he eat. It was so furious, but has calmed down. I hope it sticks. I read, that rearranging the LR might help.
SC350Z said:
Very nice tank and clownies! :) That's what I'm getting next! 2 of those lil guys!

Thanks, they are fun to watch.
Benamayer said:
Nice! My clowns bite me when my hand is in the water little buggers :cool:

LoL mine does the same thing when I'm scraping the glass or trying to feed my anemones. But then again, I feed all my fish by hand :)
When they fight, are they actually locking mouths? If so, then you may want to remove one of them.

If not, then it is normal. I was worrying when mine did that too. One would swim at the other, and then twitch on its side. Now my red clown won, and is getting bigger than the other one. He is now the she... :)

It is just them establishing an order.
Packohotdogs said:
When they fight, are they actually locking mouths? If so, then you may want to remove one of them.

If not, then it is normal. I was worrying when mine did that too. One would swim at the other, and then twitch on its side. Now my red clown won, and is getting bigger than the other one. He is now the she... :)

It is just them establishing an order.

Not locking mouths, but she wont let her eat or swim, had to confine her again so the other could get a moments peace. Thinking of taking one back (sigh) they are really pretty.
SaltwaterNuB said:
Nice picture. I'm digging the sand. What's that pink skeleton coral in the background? Very nice

Thanks, its just something I bought at the LFS, not real.
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