melting crypt

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2006
flushing, ny
Even though I searched out some threads and found out that newly transported crypts tend to melt when placed in new tanks and that as long as they had healthy root systems they will bounce right back I need reassurance. One of my crypt undulatas has melted down to having just a couple of leaves left. I read that all will be ok but I am always the skeptic until I hear it from those I trust. And I do trust the knowledgeable folks out here.
Crypts are sensitive to change and can melt on you, but it is correct that a healthy plant will come back, they have for me. I moved crypts many times when I was just starting out, didn't know any better!
I found when I kept the crypts in the same tank, there was little or no melting.
If I tried to put the separated plants into a new tank, melting was worse. If a crypt is melting down on you, you can put a root tab under it to help it out, not much else you can do.
Try not to worry to much, even when mine were melting bad, they all eventually came back :)
Yeah, I'm waiting for a major meltdown as I just moved my water.....I know all my crypts are going to hate me! But they will come back....thanks for the root tab tip Glenc, I might do that for a bunch of my plants as they've all been uprooted and replanted.
Root tabs are loved by crypts and will help them recover. I have even cut mine all the way down to nothing and they came back in full force. Just have patience and f you can find a spot where they will stay they will reward you.
I would also go ahead and trim/remove the badly melted leaves if you haven't already. Mine rarely lasted in the tank anyways (snails devoured them), but it can't hurt.

Yes, I've had crypts melt down to one puny leaf before, and now they are doing very well.
I had a similar experience with cryptocoryne "meltalotus". I was told/advised/warned to leave it be. Within a months time, it bounced back and looked better than when I orginally planted it.

Hang in there.
I have already trimmed the melted leaves. There weren't many left overnight they had reduced to a kind of floating mush. I wiil probably have to use the gravel vac to get the little pieces. I will also be picking up some root tabs as well since just about everyone seems to think its a good idea. we'll see what happens
I was one of those asking this question last week... In that time, I can already see the leaves are thickening, and I have a pretty good sized leaf I never noticed just now opening out of the main plant... The two small plantlets are sprouting leaves too. I just planted them maybe ten to fourteen days ago.
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