Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2014
Has anyone used Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food to fertilize their aquarium(s)? If so how were/are the results?
If I'm not mistaken theres quite a bit of ammonia in that fertilizer. I wouldn't use it.
Using Miracle-Gro

Has anyone used Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food to fertilize their aquarium(s)? If so how were/are the results?

Hello z...

Most use the organic version on the bottom of the tank covered with another, less messy substrate. I've used it in small plastic pots covered with pea-sized gravel. It works very well for Amazon swords and any of the Anubias plants. I used it specifically so I could move plants around in the tank to take advantage of different kinds of spectrum light I had in my tanks. The miracle-gro will nourish the plants for around 6 months and then it tends to lose potency. I like to use hydroponics liquid ferts too. There are any number of ways to nourish your aquarium plants.

Hello z...

Most use the organic version on the bottom of the tank covered with another, less messy substrate. I've used it in small plastic pots covered with pea-sized gravel. It works very well for Amazon swords and any of the Anubias plants. I used it specifically so I could move plants around in the tank to take advantage of different kinds of spectrum light I had in my tanks. The miracle-gro will nourish the plants for around 6 months and then it tends to lose potency. I like to use hydroponics liquid ferts too. There are any number of ways to nourish your aquarium plants.


I believe he was talking about the fertilizer rather than the soil. But in any case, check the ingredients. If it contains urea then its a big nono for an aquarium as it is basically ammonia. If you are looking for fertilizers then I would suggest that you check out green leaf aquariums. It has packages of dry ferts for $15 and $30 that should last you the better part of a year.
I was referring to fertilizer. And thanks for the reference to the others. For my dirt I used Miracle-Gro organic soil.
Fertilizer for dry land plants has too much nitrate in it. You will get a large nitrate spike that would be harmful to your tank inhabitants. You could make root tabs with that and put them deep in the substrate. However, if the become unearthed they would raise the nitrates so you have to make sure you have no tank inhabitants that will dig them up. I use the Jobe plant spikes in my tanks and have never had a problem. I just push them deep in the sand.
I was thinking about getting some tabs this weekend along with a new filter. I will also be ordering new lights.

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