Miracle organic potting soil

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 6, 2013
Michigan City, Indiana
Anyone who has used this have you had problems with the water turning brown and is there a step im missing? I feel as i have to change the water out at least twice a week at over 30%+ to clear it up. My 29tall i applied the soil dry to the tank then slow filled with repeated water changes till clear. I also did my 10g tank this time i soaked the soil for a week or so and strained it putting it in the tank wet with the intentions of leeching it out but had the same results. Can anyone help me resolve this issue? I want to try mineralizing my own potting soil one day just weather ain't permitting for it.
Anyone who has used this have you had problems with the water turning brown and is there a step im missing? I feel as i have to change the water out at least twice a week at over 30%+ to clear it up. My 29tall i applied the soil dry to the tank then slow filled with repeated water changes till clear. I also did my 10g tank this time i soaked the soil for a week or so and strained it putting it in the tank wet with the intentions of leeching it out but had the same results. Can anyone help me resolve this issue? I want to try mineralizing my own potting soil one day just weather ain't permitting for it.

You need to shift if with a colander to get all the wood and big clumps out. Then it needs to be capped with some sort of sand or fine gravel. I use pool filter sand because its 8 dollars for a 50 lbs bag.


Here's an example on my 20H
Thank you i will definitely try that my next tank....i worried about using sand tho cuz some talk bad about it. Whats the pros and cons between gravel and sand in your opinion?
Thank you i will definitely try that my next tank....i worried about using sand tho cuz some talk bad about it. Whats the pros and cons between gravel and sand in your opinion?

The downside to sand is it compacts and makes it harder for roots to spread, but if its a sand cap it's not really as much of a problem.
I capped my 75gal with 1inch of red or brown florite, the one with the highest iron content and then capped that with 1 inch of black florite. Before capping the organic garden soil I left the soaked dirt in the tank for about a week only because I was not ready to move and set up the tank yet. For a short time my tank was slightly brown but this cleared up with water changes. I will post a pic.
Here's a pic of my 75 gallon dirted tank, on the bottom you can see the the layers of florite.


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I haven't had any issues with mine. It does have the tendency to leach but I change at least 50% of my water every week. I promise it will stop leaching eventually. It won't harm your fish and actually they prefer it.
I capped mine with regular old gravel. Back in September and it still leaches a bit but it's gone for the most part.
I haven't had any issues with mine. It does have the tendency to leach but I change at least 50% of my water every week. I promise it will stop leaching eventually. It won't harm your fish and actually they prefer it.
I capped mine with regular old gravel. Back in September and it still leaches a bit but it's gone for the most part.

When you say regular old gravel you referring to aquarium gravel or like landscaping pea gravel or river rock?
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