Mixing saltwater

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2004
When mixing saltwater, is it ok to completely cover the container with a tight-fitting lid, so that very little or no air can get in?
Oxygen is consumed in the salt disolving process. You should allow some air in/out of the bucket.
OK - I've made a cut in the lid so that about 1/5 of the water is uncovered.
I use a rubbermaid tub (18gallon capacity), and put 2 airstones thru a couple holes I drilled in the lid.
Its sealed so no airborne contaminents can get in, but isn't airtight so it's able to 'breathe'.
I use one of those 18-gallon buckets, too. I mix with the lid on--I don't think it's air-tight enough to make a difference. But I did learn the hard way that mixing with the lid on lowers pH, so I throw an airstone into my storage jar about 12 hours before I'm going to do a change to get it back up.
What airborne contaminents should I be worried about?

For instance, if bleach is used to clean the sink nearby (couple of feet away) the mixing saltwater that doesn't have a lid on, should I be worried? Also, I mix in the bathroom which is nextdoor to the toilet - should I be worried about airfreshener etc.?
I have heared that if you can smell it then it's in the air. You dont want to take any chances! I use a Rubbermaid 44gall. trash can the Brute series. I dont let my water set for any amount of time. I mix it then it gets put back in the tank with a Rio 2500 pump within about 30mins. A lilltle bit of stress coat and good to go!! 8)
But, even if you can smell it, will it really do any harm?
Not 100% sure but as i said before i would'nt take any chances. Where are you doing water changes that this would be a major issue for you? I allways make sure my wife is not doing any cleaning or spraying air fresheners ect. ect. Just make it a point to be extra careful when doing a change! I try not to even use a lot of chemicals at all in my house! I try to keep harmfull sprays out of my house because my wife goes crazy with them just spraying every thing :lol:
air freshners are definitely a threat, as would be any spray or aeresol. There's also lots of dust, and we have a 2 dogs and a cat, so there's plenty of hair that can fall.

However, you should be mixing your water about 24 hours ahead of time. Freshly mixed saltwater (as in the salt is dissolved after a couple mins) isnt' stable. It's going through some chemical reactions. The salinty won't be consistent throughout the mixture, the temp probably won't be right, and the buffers haven't fully mixed in either. This also gives you time to check the salinity and adjust if necessary.
I have never had a prob. my self but then again i have some pretty hardy fish! There are a million ways to do things. If you ask a hundred people you will get 90 diff. answers so.... Just do it how you feel best from the info you have got and if something goesm wrong then change the way you do it :roll:
I do mix my saltwater for 24hours before using it :) Just wondering how much of a threat aeresols are etc. I mix the water in the bathroom, which is nextdoor to the toilet. So, the only threat is the air freshener in the toilet. As long as I try and keep doors closed as much as possible, I guess it won't be a major issue.
I would not worry about air contaminates unless there being sprayed right around an open pail of water. Your skimmer has more of a chance of picking up air contaminates and introducing them into the tank then your mixing bucket.... JMO
My etss reef devil has an attachment you can get so the air that is sucked into the skimmer passes through carbon first......
Mix 24 hrs seems to be the unwritten rule and bring the temp up is a must....
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