Month of Thanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 14, 2011
Slidell, La
So, as I've been seeing my friends' Facebook feeds filling up with the whole month of thanks thing, I thought why not start something like that here. What are some things you are thankful for as an aquarist?

I'll go ahead and start - I'm thankful for the peace and joy that my fish bring into my life. Even when I've had a crappy day, I can sit back and watch my puffers bounce around following my fingers in front of their tank, or my plecos zooming around the glass of their tank and just enjoy them.
Im definitly thankful for my tank! It is such a good stress reliever!

Besides tanks, im thankful for where i live. I honestly wouldnt ever go anywhere else. Im thankfulfor my friends and family, for the food on my plate, and the fact that we live in the best country on earth..
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