Moss balls

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 12, 2011
I added three. They are Larry, Curly, and Mo. :)


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I have a few too. I don't think they are good for much beyond an occasional snack for a passing fish. They just look good to me.
i have a few in my aquarium. the shrimp like to hide under them and they do look cool. remember to roll them over about once a week to expose all sides to light and so they stay round.
Looks nice. I have had moss balls in the past and my platy fry loved to hide under them to escape being eaten by their parents.
Love moss balls. I have three. They are so great looking and different, look good with my other plants.
One of my moss balls disappeared yesterday. I don't have fish yet. Can't imagine where it went!
jen31972 said:
One of my moss balls disappeared yesterday. I don't have fish yet. Can't imagine where it went!

It disappeared!!! Wow. You've got me on that one. Nø idea of what could have happened.
Actually it was Larry who disappeared! I feel silly, it was tucked under the heater. How it rolled under there from 5 inches away without fish in there is beyond me!
A treasure

I have 5 of them, they simply look great and are easy to care for. Give them plenty of light and they will be happy. They are algae (good kind), strange if you think about that. Have heard they are considered a national treasure in Japan. Totally cool.
Actually it was Larry who disappeared! I feel silly, it was tucked under the heater. How it rolled under there from 5 inches away without fish in there is beyond me!

Supposedly they move by themselves in their natural habitat. Something to do with light levels and/or giving off oxygen.

Never seen it myself though.
Larry, you crazy moss ball!!!!! Welcome back!!! ha.

I love my moss balls, they are doing great. We turn them sometimes to keep them round and having access to the light.
Supposedly they move by themselves in their natural habitat. Something to do with light levels and/or giving off oxygen.

Never seen it myself though.

Actually, where they come from there are currents that keep the balls moving almost constantly. This ensures they keep their round shape.

I have a moss ball, and my ghost shrimp love climbing on it and keeping it clean for me. It makes a great conversation piece. It is quiet funny to think that algae is normally our enemy, but in this case it is our friend.
absolutangel04 said:
Btw, I named my moss ball too. I even have fish in the tank, but I still named the moss ball. Lol.

Awesome. I have to tell my kids. They think I'm nuts! Lol. They also said they'd hold "the great moss ball mystery" over my head for eternity. ;)
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