Moss Balls

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 11, 2013
I have a 29 gallon semi aggressive tank and every time I go to petsmart for filters or water conditioner etc. I see those moss balls and was wondering whats the purpose for them and what do they help?
They help reduce phosphates and nitrates. There may be more but thats what i know. Plus fish and shrimp like to nibble on them.
They help reduce phosphates and nitrates. There may be more but thats what i know. Plus fish and shrimp like to nibble on them.
I have a albino bn pleco will he nipple on these moth balls to?
I have a albino bn pleco will he nipple on these moth balls to?

This isn't on subject but I have a 29 gallon with 4 tiger barbs 2 gouramis an albino bn and guppies. Would 2 or 3 Cory's be okay in my tank?
Ok and would they bother my bn and take food away cause my bn is like my baby. Haha l don't want him competing for food
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