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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 5, 2011
HEy guys, I have a dilemma that's been stressing me out. I have a 125g sw tank that's newly cycled and fish r doing great! My problem is I am moving in about a month. What is the best way to go about moving my fish and tank? do I bag fish and get a Lfs to hold them? Do I have to recycle my tank? Will I have to get more live sand since it will die due to draining water? Any advice on the best way to go about this process would be appreciated, thanks!
Drain the tank down to a few inches above your rocks,cover it to reduce splashing,bag ur fish,drive carefully znd avoid bumps and such and lastly try to keep the cars heat around 82-83 cuz the water needs to stay warm then add more water just like any wc and add the fish back in but to be honest you may loose a fish or two to stress...good luck!
I feel like a tank that size would be hard to move with 100+ lbs of rock and sand plus the water. You may have better luck with buckets or anything similar that has a lid. Maybe trashcans? Just load them up with your live rock and cover with water. Try to maintain the heat in the containers as long as possible right up until you move it. Then as soon as u get to the new place plug the heater back in. Same with fish. Everything can actually survive for a few days easily if you just keep the heat and some water circulation. It will buy you some time so you can relax a little bit during the set up. I did this and had no losses. Home depot sells buckets w/ lids at a decent price.
I used a dark colored bucket for fish to reduce stress.

Also if you do it this way you can pack up the rock, fish, sand and let it sit while you move the tank and begin to fill it so you can put the rock right in when you get there

Don't know how far you are moving but I hope this helps. My idea may not be probable if its a long move or if you plan on making 1 trip.

Good luck!!!
i have a 12 volt converter in my car that i use for transporting fish i can plug heatres in and also air pumps. works great good investment
Thanks for the help guys, I'm moving right down the road about a mile or 2 so not far which will help
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