MTS strikes again!

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Well, I can never keep a Q tank!

My 20 high is going to become planted tank # 6 in the house. (Ive had the tank for a long time, just used it as a quarantine tank)

Just ordered a HOT magum, 65 Watt CF strip light, and another hagen diy co2 diffuser. Will get either Tahitian moon sand, or Eco-complete substrate, not certain yet. I want to look at them side-by-side, see which one looks best. I'm thinking the moon sand, it's jet-black and looks cool.

This tank will stay pure FW, will put my new dwarf puffers in it once it cycles.

Then, next plan is for my 45 high in the basement. Goin brackish there with some other type puffers. Must do more research first, find out which species I want, and how much salt they need. I have found some lists of brackish plants, so the plan is to keep it light brackish, and still planted. I think this can be achieved.

If you didn't notice, Puffers are my new kick. I'm really enjoying the dwarf puffs, but they get lost in the 45! They'll go better in the 20, and I can get a bigger type puffer for the 45.

Planning, researching, and getting the supplies is almost as much fun as actually setting up a new tank, at least for me.
*starts laffing*

Btw, haven't tried the Eco-Complete, but I have the Moon sand in my planted and its georgeous. Least it was till I added the otos, who poop all over it LOL
I feel your pain, Corvus... :) I was also stricken by puffer-induced MTS last week.

I went out and bought a 29 gallon kit at a local LFS. I figured, I'll just put a couple of low-light plants in it so the cheapo hood will be fine.

Well, the cheapo hood was garbage so we pitched that and bought a glass top. Bought some of what I thought were low light plants, got it all set up and then read that onions are actually moderate light, not low. So instead of moving the onions to my moderate-lit planted tank, we're upgrading the lights.

Found a good deal on a 30" Coralife fixture on ebay which will give us 130W. And hey, since we're gonna have high light now, we'll need to get some more plants.

Will this madness ever end? :mrgreen:
hey, nothing wrong with a puffer kick. i love mine. i've got my gsp's in my 55, i had dwarves in a 5 (poor little those filter uptake tubes) and i'm most likely going with a pork in 125.

i wish i could get dwarves again. my girlfriend wants some pretty badly, but we haven't been able to track any down in months.
That tahitian moon sand does look great once it gets in the water. I like it even better with a little light gray pebbles mixed in. But the poop really does stand out, alot.
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