My 20 Gallon Fish Tank - Pictures

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 11, 2011
Hallandale, Florida
This is my 20 gallon fish tank. As you will see, I bought it used and it was really dirty, it came with a Python hose gravel and some decorations that I cleaned and kept and it also came with the small air stone that I'm using in the sump of my current set up. I spent a lot of time cleaning this tank but I think it was worth it. Please look at the before and after. This one is also going to the storage (again, for now).









Lol. It could be. I'm not sure if I'm going to use it in the near future, if not, I will PM you about it to see if you are still interested.
If that old-school temp strip wasn't on I'd call shenanigans on the second set of pictures being the new tank!
I know! It looks totally different. I want to get a Marineland Emperor 200 filter for that tank if I ever stock it.
Water, new razor blades of different sizes/shapes, and a little bit of CLR cleaner. The last step is to hose it really well.
I just bought a 20g and rinsed it out with hot water, put in the gravel(which I soaked in hot water as well) put in water and conditioner. and little bubbles appeared all over the tank and they finally went away(with some help from my hand) but water became cloudy. It was cloudy for about 4-5 days so yesterday I changed all the water and put more conditioner in and bubbles are back. My question is this. Will it become cloudy again and can i put fish in it? BTW Nice job on the Tank.
I just bought a 20g and rinsed it out with hot water, put in the gravel(which I soaked in hot water as well) put in water and conditioner. and little bubbles appeared all over the tank and they finally went away(with some help from my hand) but water became cloudy. It was cloudy for about 4-5 days so yesterday I changed all the water and put more conditioner in and bubbles are back. My question is this. Will it become cloudy again and can i put fish in it? BTW Nice job on the Tank.

Welcome to AA and lets not get off topic in this thread but go here

if u need more help make a new thread.:clown:
I just bought a 20g and rinsed it out with hot water, put in the gravel(which I soaked in hot water as well) put in water and conditioner. and little bubbles appeared all over the tank and they finally went away(with some help from my hand) but water became cloudy. It was cloudy for about 4-5 days so yesterday I changed all the water and put more conditioner in and bubbles are back. My question is this. Will it become cloudy again and can i put fish in it? BTW Nice job on the Tank.

Thanks. With regard to your question, I highly recommend that you do a fishless cycle. It's very simple, I know it sounds difficult but it's not. You can take a look at the link that Fisherman13 gave you and you can also review the following topics:

Please feel free to create a new topic here: Freshwater & Brackish - General Discussion - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community if you have any questions and we will be more than happy to help you. Fishless cycle is easy, fast, HUMANE, and very effective. Your fish will appreciate it!
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