My 20gal

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 14, 2010
Here are some pics from 20gal FW tank

Stock list:
6 zebra danios
6 glowlight tetras
5 neon tetras
1 crown tail betta

Picture 137.jpg

Picture 210.jpg

Picture 136.jpg

Picture 211.jpg
thank you very much! We were looking for a betta. I hate seeing these guys in those little bowls. When I walked in to my LFS to re stock on my Prime and I saw him. Its so rare to see an almost perfect betta around here, and this would be one of the rare occasions.

And the same store that I got this guy from I was talking to one of the "aquarium experts" so to speak. I guess they hired a newbie, when they got a shipment in, this newbie put 3 male bettas in a 15gal tank with 6 angelfish :( not a pretty site.
Oh no poor fish
I had a betta like him just it was normal. But i didnt know it was rare to see a full colour one now. Well you learn something new everyday :D
ya, it wasnt cool. and i didnt mean full color one. i meants all his fins aren't chewed. they say a perfect crowntail will form almost a "circle" when it fans out his fins. and ours is pretty near close.
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