My 5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank build

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Yeah that's what I was thinking. How much should I buy? I don't want to take up the whole tank...
I don't want them getting scraped on the rocks. Might just get 2 pounds. Maybe 3.
Just adding my humble opinion on this:
Like you've mentioned before, rock with the chance of hitchhikers is risky and can potentially cause harm to your little seahorses, as sensitive as they are. So of course, it's better to be safe than sorry, which is why I'd say that I agree with your choice of dead rock. Yes, it wont come with bacteria, but it will provide surface area for later on. Also, you will get some bacteria from that filter media, so it's a win-win situation.

EDIT: I noticed that a few others have basically said what I just said (didn't see their posts) so you can just think of this as another opinion supporting your plan. Lol.

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do you have any surface agitation going on to get some oxygen to your bacterias
Yeah. Does anyone know anything about Zoanthids and or sponges? Although I already read "dwarf seahorses in the aquarium by alisa abott, (which is a great book by the way) she says she keeps zoanthids and sponges with her horses. Anyone know anything about them?
I'm no expert, by far. In fact I'm a noobie (just trying to help though!). When I was cycling my tank I read that surface agitation (such as water from filter, and powerhead) is good to get oxygen to the bacteria.
Right now I have a basic sponge filter going. Keeps the water moving I should add.
Well I was reading up on seahorses a tad and apparently corals really won't do too much damage, not sure which species they meant but they were saying they latched onto SPS (makes sense since it's branching coral a lot of the time) and only the coral suffers negative consequences.

Zoas are one of the easier lower light corals, as far as sponges I don't know how to care for them, but I don't think they're easy
Dwarf seahorses won't do very good with corals, they would get some burns, and the high light requirement isn't good for them. (they stay in one spot a lot so they would surely grow algae! ) But can you tell me a little more about zoanlids.
What do you want to know? They're a soft coral that doesn't require much to do well. They spread somewhat fast, come in crazy colors, easy to frag. Lol there isn't much else, no specific requirements, though salinity may be an issue
I want my salinity to stay at a .019 would that be a problem? Thanks for the reply. How much would they cost? *Oh and I was reading through some threads and saw how your buying some sand from Big al's for 2.99 (5lbs) thanks for that! I'm taking down that 2 gallon hospital tank and upgrading to a ten gallon that I have sitting around, it'll be good too just in case my future dwarf seahorses multiply a little too much.
Well all of the zoas I'm looking at on LiveAquaria are saying salinity .023-.025 (I've also heard that .026 is a standard for reefs), so it might be a problem. But if the person you're reading about is doing them together look if the book says what salinity she's keeping them at.

LOL and no problem about indirectly informing you about the sand, Fishguy2727 loves the brand so I figured I'd trust his judgement and try it out (Added the price is great! For some reason I ordered 25lbs and got free shipping, no heavy item charge or anything!)
That is true. She didn't really mention anything about them, that's why I skipped over them the first time, but she keeps her's at a .019 so not sure :/ And yeah! Great price for that sand, I'm one of those people that buy from the chains and end up spending double of what I think it should of costed. So this is great! :) I'm really interested in the zoas though. Buying say two pieces of different colored ones might really spruce up the dwarves' colors as well
Sorry for the lack of updates, spring break here, on vacation. Coming back wends day,getting the rock and junk Friday. ;)
How is the cycle going? Anything budge yet? I would kill to be on Spring Break right now! The weather got really nice here today. I had two weeks off back in March, and another two weeks in December, but I still feel like I need more time out of school, haha!
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