My 5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank build

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Change of plans, Went home late last night, going to this giant marine fish place (and freshwater) and going to get 10 pounds of dry rock and established filter media. The reason I'm getting so much rock is because I'm also going to setup a 10 gallon in my basement which will be my fry/hospital tank even though those two don't mix well! Lol. Anything else I should pickup for my tank while I'm there? I'm thinking of ordering 20 pounds of sand from big al's, because Idream mentioned that amazing site. It's like 2$ for 5 lbs! :) Also getting a mini canister filter from big al's as well as a mini power filter. Both of them I'll cover the intake with either a sponge or filter bag.(mini canister will be for the ten gallon, the mini power filter will be for my 5 gallon.) And again, anything else I should get for my tank that'll either help with cycle or just help my tank in general.?
If you get the Estes, DONT WASH IT. Just put it in a bucket with enough water to have it submerged about 1" or less and make sure all of it gets wet. Then dump it in. It essentially has no dust anyway.

I had a big hassle with trying to just put it in a bucket and put water in until the water got clear, a big waste of time.

I think the established media will be what you need to get moving, and be sure to post pics of the other tank!
Thanks I'll remember that when I buy the sand. I'll probably setup the ten gallon sometime this week. D you know of any type of power filter or something that'll help when mixing salt? Its such a hassle. -__-
Get yourself a powerhead to just sit in there and stir it for you.

Maybe just something like a maxijet or aquaclear. Something that's cheap, I don't think I'd go out and spend the money on a koralia, but if you want to just get a nano 240GPH
Yeah I'll either get something from big al's or petco. Probably petco because I have a nice gift card :)
I think they have aqueon ones, just something cheap that'll be reliable.

And a small heater to temp match as well, obviously for like 5G
Okay thanks, off to that giant fish store, again, just dry rock and established filter media?
Got the rock no established filter media -__- but gosh that store is amazing over 9,000 gallons of marine and freshwater. I saw fish which looked like they were wrapped in aluminum foil, stingrays (fresh and saltwater), and man about everything. They even had an above ground pond with koi!
I'll see if I could use my sister's camera later. All suggestions are wanted when I post the pics. It looks horrible right now because what's mostly going to be in the tank besides the rock in fern caulerpa. But I can't get that because it'll die when cycling or screw up my cycling. Or will it? It takes nitrates out of the water so I figured it would mess up cycling. Any ideas what I could do without the caulerpa in the mean time?
I'll be posting pictures almost constantly when I get my new camera. Being the 13 year old I am, I was instantly sold with those "flip cameras". What a horrible camera! I'm getting a full refund, and I'm getting a --- the name escapes me at the moment. Had a thread on which camera I should get and Jenatron suggested the one she has. It looks great so I'm getting that one. (works underwater too! Good for pictures of my fish and when I go snorkeling in the summer!)
Oh yeah aren't you and Jenatron "romantically involved"? And I found one for 290$ free shipping and no tax! :)
That's great! Gosh your house would end up being a reef, with two aquarium hobbyists together! I'm still in middle school, where going out with someone is talking to them for a week then breaking up... It a doomed fate really... ;)
Haha, the way we are we might have one large tank and a bunch of high-tech nanos

Maybe a few FW planted tanks as well
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