My 55 commununity( slightly rescaped)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 18, 2012
Rescaped my 55 this weekend. Thought I'd share some pics.





Thanks. It's actually an old top fin decoration I had in my last 55 but I think it looks good in there so I switched it out for the one I had in the tank.
Its a really odd assortment of fish in there actually. It started off as a tetra tank so I had 6 Red Minors, 6 Black Skirts, and 5 Peppered Cories for the bottom. Then I added about 15 Neons, all of whom died within about a month and a half. Water was fine tho and no other fish were lost so it was probably just a bad batch of Neons. Added 6 Bloodfin Tetras and 2 Ottocinclus after the neons died and after i was sure the tank was ok. Now here is were it gets odd, 2 Gold Gouramis, 2 Blue Gouramis, a Red Tail Shark, and an Eclipse Cat all call this tank home, and with no issues. this is the stock that i have now and that I'll probably stick with til I either lose some fish or rehome some fish.
Yeah they are really great fish, and really hardy too!
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