My big beautiful OB

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
Here’s the father of my 5 baby peacocks. He came to me as an adult several months ago. He was placed in his own 55 G tank because he wasn’t doing well in a tank of mixed cichlids, including peacock OBs. I added 4 different female OB peacocks to his tank. I hope someday they have OB kids as pretty as dad.


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Thank you! It will be very interesting to see what future babies look like. I’m doing nothing to encourage breeding. I bought a nice fish hatchery box that hangs inside the tank & has a bottom grid that would allow fry to pass through, but not the mom. Never used it because I wouldn’t know what to do with a large number of fry.

I would like to know if the peacock babies from this gorgeous dad carry any recessive OB genes, but I’m having difficulty finding answers.
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