My black skirt tetra

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2004
Michigan, USA

I was wondering if someone could give some advice about my black skirt tetra... this is gonna be kinda long so I'll appologize for that now. Ok, so prolly close to 4-5 months ago one of my black skirts got really beat up in my 55 by some red minor tetras which I have since gotten rid of as they beat up EVERYTHING in my tank. I moved him to my 15 gal as it was calmer and tried to give him time to heal. He got some lovely fungus and I ended up medicating the tank for a while.. he finally got better, although he's very deformed and his fins grew back beautifully and I figured he was all better minus the deformation. My betta in that tank died and for various reasons I had to take that tank down so I moved him and the other black skirt that had been beat up back to my 55. This was roughly 4-5 weeks ago. The following day I noticed he was looking down and his fins were all torn. I had accidently boiled my 12-13 gallon tank to death the previous night (another long unrelated story, I had a faulty heater) so it was unoccupied and back down to a normal temperature so he got moved into there by himself. He seemed rather sad so about 3 weeks ago I got him two female bettas for company and they all seem to get along fine. His fins are still torn but I don't think they are any more torn than they were when I initally put in him there and I haven't seen the bettas go near him or any picking on anyone else at all. Today I was trying to get some pictures to post (which failed BTW, but that has nothing to do w/ this) and I notice that he has a huge lump/bubble on the right side of his mouth. And I do mean huge. Upon further inspection it looks SLIGHTLY bloodly as well, not a lot, but I'm pretty sure I see blood. Is this a fungus? I can't get a good picture of it so I can't post it unfortunatly... but is there anything I can do? I can move the females to the 55 if he needs to be medicated, but I've never seen anything like this and I don't know if it's an infection or just a blister or what it could be. Thanks so much for any advice.
Do you know the parameters of the tank he is in right? I would definately QT him. It sounds like it is getting infected. If your parameters are good, I would treat him for infection and if parameters are out of wack, I'd do a pwc and then treat him.
Parameters are fine. I took him to the fish store and they said they think it's slightly infected since he's been beat up a couple times. They said it's something he's going to have to fight through, there's not any meds that'll help him. :cry: Hopefully he can fight it off. The bllister or whatever it was popped on the way and he seems to be doing ok. He's still eating fine. They said it can't bother the other fish unless they have any open sores/cuts/wounds... which they don't... so unless there's any changes I think I'm just going to end up watching him very closely. :? I dunno. I don't have anywhere I can QT very well unforunatly :(
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