My Cichlid got popeye

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2011
McMinnville, Oregon
Last week I noticed that one of my male Cichlids had 1 eye that was looking a little bug eyed, but barely noticeable. So I checked his eye every morning and for a while there wasn't any change. Then on Sunday morning his eye looked like it was about to burst.The only FS with anything to treat Popeye with was closed.
So off to the Internet I went. After reading all I could find on the condition. I found a treatment that was easy, and I already had what I would need in my cupboard. But, one problem, I needed to know if it was Bacterial popeye or popeye from an injury. Of course I had no way of knowing which it was so I guessed.
The Article I read said to remove the affected fish and put it in a tank by it's self, then add the epsom salt, 1 TBSP per five gallons of water and leave the fish in there, changing the water every day for 3 days and adding 1TBSP Epsom salt each day.
By the end of day 2 his eye was completely normal. I finished the 3 days anyway to be safe. And now he's back in the regular tank, without any sign of popeye. Berry has no signs of any permanent eye damage
The Epsom's salt was so easy to use. It cost nothing as it was already in my kitchen
So if your fish get single eye popeye, give the Epsom's salt a try. It was amazing to watch it work so fast.
P.S. Berry's (my Cichlid) eye was from an injury and that's the only
kind that can be successfully treat with Epsoms Salts.
Also Epsoms salt isn't salt, it's magnesium
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