My first planted tank - don't laugh!

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Haha David. Do you happen to want any of the plants I bought?

Only if I had another tank. Just pulled out a ton of plants last night and the tank still looks full. Thanks for the offer. Some of those sound like interesting species.

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I wish. Interestingly, as I've moved to larger places, the tanks have gotten smaller. I am happy with the tanks I have though I live vicariously through your auction trips and acquisitions.

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I lost two of the cories. I've only seen two at a time so I'm not sure where the other 2 are. One of the rasboras isn't looking so hot either. Sigh. In other news, my otos are doing great!
Anyway, I have my new mystery plants plugged down, we'll see how they do.

Getting really jungley. What's a nice tall plant I could stick in the back right? I guess I could let the bacopa get nice and tall and leave that back there. Complete chaos going on.
I've had issues with cory habrosus stock before, actually I've bought 2 fleets, 5 in each.. still have the first over a year later. 2nd died one by one in the first few weeks.. tank looks great!! I'll send you some ludwiga sp. Red for the back! Pm your address

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Great thanks! If you have tips to make it look less crazy tell me! I guess I could snip the exploring roots but I'm trying not to fix what ain't broke. Can't believe this stuff is still alive.
Plus you can see that water lettuce just hanging on. It melts then comes back with a vengeance. Haha.
Yeah Air Roots are a pain LOL

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Ohh man, i have to post a pic of my cardinal lobelia. . Its stem looks like a wooly mammoth leg..

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You could try grouping the plants by species. For instance, placing the Bacopa in a single group might look nicer than having them spread throughout the tank (the cheerleader effect). Stagger the plants so they don't look like they were planted in a row like crops. Allow some space between the groups for expansion.
Be prepared to trim the plants near the front of the tank to keep them lower than the ones in the back.

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Ok thanks. I'll wait a week or two to see what these new plants are going to do (root or die) and then do some rearranging and probably trim the ammania. I have to climb up on the counter to reach the bottom of the tank so it's a process haha.
Guyyyys what's with the black hairy algae grrrr. I read less light and seachem excel applied direct? It's only on some of the java fern but I don't want the other plants to get zombified. Lame. Any other suggestions?
If the fern is tied to rocks or DW, just pull it and spray everything with hydrogen peroxide and continue with cutting photo period and a water change wouldn't hurt.

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Your tank looks great. I still am in awe of your auction scores!

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Alright so instead of a week or two I just started messing around in there today. I took out the java fern and clipped some of the leaves with the algae and cleaned the rest with peroxide. That stuff is stubborn. Also did a WC. I tried grouping some of the plants. Better? Worse? Give up hope? haha
I saw three of the pygmy cories today so just have to find the fourth :)

Yes, better! The bacopa can get tall and putting it at the back or sides makes sense. Looks more orderly but not formal. Before and after for comparison:

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