My Fu Manchu Lionfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 9, 2012
Hey guys I'm having trouble getting my Fu Manchu Lionfish to eat frozen food. He is on live food but its getting expensive so Any advice???


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How long are you leaving before trying the frozen food and what frozen food are you feeding too?

Very cool fish though
What I did for my lionfish I used to have was the first time I kinda forced him to eat freeze dried krill that I put on the end of a sush kabob stick and stuck it in his mouth and he ate it ever since then he would take it right of the stick
Get a transparent feeding stick from yout lfs and put a big thawed krill on it. Then wiggle it around on the tank like its swimming. After a few days itll take one and after it gets a taste for it you should be able to just drop them in...
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