My new (lightly)planted 30g

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 11, 2012
Hampton Roads, Virginia
I am new to this hobby and would like opinions on my tank setup.
This is a 30gallon Freshwater with 5 live plants and 10 Fish. I have some fake plants but want to replace with live ones when i upgrade my lighting system.
All the rocks are slate and river rock which I found and sterilized. I used the slate to make a cave on the left side of my tank.

Live plants
2 Cryptocoryne wendtii (1 currently trying to propagate)
2 annubias (1 currently propagating)
1 amazon sword
(also have little 2inch clipping of Anacharis plant I got free from the store which I'm trying to grow, but I am not counting this as one of my live plants)

5 Zebra Danios
3 Roseline Sharks
2 Glofish


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I like your fish and plants. The first 2 pics for me is upside down :/. I would make the glo-fish a school since they are part zebra danio. Great plant selection :)
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looking clean man, what are you upgrading your light fixture to? I too am in favour of the lightly planted tanks, gives you more viewing space to see the fish and looks abit more natural
I fixed your pictures in your original post (this thread). I merged all your answers from your (fixed pics) thread into here. Please keep everything in here. Creating duplicate threads about the same subject gets confusing and people will answer in both places, making things even more confusing.
I like the tank. Agree it looks clean! Might try a backdrop.
I agree about the backdrop, but the problem is that the tank is on my big desk and basically sits in the middle of the room. A backdrop would mean not being able to see it from the other side. (also I use that side to do my cleaning so i don't have to climb on the desk. Having my line of sight blocked for cleaning wouldn't be good)
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