My Orangutans

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
I just thought that I'd like to share a few pictures of the orangutans I've been watching for school with all of you!

The first two are of Sally, she's the main one I'm watching. She is 31 years old and quite a beauty:)

The third and fourth pictures are of Tara. She's 16 and rambunctious! But Tara is sooooo much fun!

And the last picture is of the two of them.

I just wanted to share a bit of my day with you all!
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I've wanted one ever since I saw Clyde in Every Which Way But Loose with Clint Eastwood, I'm jealous!
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AquaKai said:
I just thought that I'd like to share a few pictures of the orangutans I've been watching for school with all of you!

The first two are of Sally, she's the main one I'm watching. She is 31 years old and quite a beauty:)

The third and fourth pictures are of Tara. She's 16 and rambunctious! But Tara is sooooo much fun!

And the last picture is of the two of them.

I just wanted to share a bit of my day with you all!

Absolutely gorgeous! :)
Thanks guys! I find them to be such great creatures:). Seriously they're so cool and are so intelligent. I am extremely lucky to be able to spend 1ish hour per day with them. I'm glad you like the pictures too! I'll upload some more tomorrow while I watch them:D
Whoa awesome! You watch them for school? What are you studying? :)
datkush said:
Whoa awesome! You watch them for school? What are you studying? :)

Yeah I watch them for school. I go to school for part of the day at the zoo:). It's amazing! I was watching their behaviors compared to the changing weather patterns in fall as to see when the keepers should take them in. But now we're just writing the thesis based on the data we collected.
AquaKai said:
Yeah I watch them for school. I go to school for part of the day at the zoo:). It's amazing! I was watching their behaviors compared to the changing weather patterns in fall as to see when the keepers should take them in. But now we're just writing the thesis based on the data we collected.

Ah I'm so jealous! My aunt and uncle are both zookeepers.
But I'm studying nursing :p sometimes I wish I'd chosen biology.
Yeah I'm thinking about biology, but who knows:). Here are some more pictures of the lovely ladies:
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