My pleco has been living in my filter for a week!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 19, 2013
So I lost track of my brand new pleco the day after I bought it. I was so worried! I'd cleaned out my tank and reorganized and washed decor, and couldn't find him! Well, I just changed my filter, and he was inside of it! I thought he was dead, so I grabbed a plastic bag to dump him in so I could take him back to petco and have them make good on their 14 day policy. When I got him in the bag, he started moving!! I netted him and put him back in the tank, replaced the filter, and watched him swim to the bottom of the tank.
He had been in there for about a week! And his tail is next to gone. He isn't moving much, but he's definitely alive. What can I do for him? He's probably traumatized! How'd be get in the filter in the first place? Has this happened to anyone?
He must have jumped. Assuming its a HOB. Clean water and his tail should heal up.
I would just double your water change schedule for a couple weeks and keep an eye on him.
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