My tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2017
My tank is a 37 gallon tall that consists of fluorite substrate and pea gravel on top, with amazon sword, dwarf sag, and anubias along with Malaysian driftwood. I dont dose with anything. I have fluval LED lights and a hang on back filter(I believe it's Aqueon) I have 9 zebra danios, 2 CAEs, and a bristlenose pleco. I know I need to return the CAEs when they mature, but overall what should I do differently to make my tank better, or do in addition specifically?
Sounds like a good start, agree on sae's, but pics would help.
Lots of options and opinions probably, but the tank is yours.
Look around and research what you want from the suggestions.

My family enjoys raising livebearers and corys from fry.
Just getting into shrimp and snails, but everyone...and every tank is different.

What works for one doesn't work every time or for everyone. But that's great thing about this forum, can always get advice, new ideas, and help.

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