Mystery Snail Companions?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 13, 2012
Hi everyone -

I currently have an approximately 1 year old mystery snail and her 15 4 day-old babies. I am considering keeping a couple of the babies and setting up a second tank. My current tank has a betta and he gets along fine with all of them.

I would really like a tank with neon tetras and cherry shrimp - but I am concerned about the water parameters for the snail not being healthy for the other 2 species. I would appreciate any advice regarding the suitability of these as tank mates (or other suggestions).

I keep mystery snails in multiple tanks with my fish. The snails do great in the same water parameters as most common tropical fish. The only I have ever run into with snails and fish is that nippy fish will bite at the snail's eye stalks. But, my guppies, rummies, cories, and similar species all are fine with them. I am sure neons would be similar. Rcs will be fine with them.
What parameters were you specifically concerned about?
Hi absoluteangel04 -

I have read that neon tetras need soft, acidic water, whereas mystery snails need hard, alkaline water. However, I have also read that tetras can adapt to different parameters.
I am really glad to hear you have done your research. :)
It's true that most fish can adapt pretty easily to a lot of conditions. For something like neons, I wouldn't be too concerned about the hardness of the water.
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