name these guys please

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2007
i have a couple of cichlids i have no idea what they are and cannot find any thing that look close to them in any other pics could you help me identify these guys PLEASE i feel so dumb when somebody asks me and all i can say is a type of cichlid lol. Your feed back will greatly be appreciated


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Fourth one is an albino Pseudotropheus socolofi. :) I have 4 of them in my tank...look just like that. Albino peacocks usually have some color.

Can you post the first 2 pictures bigger? I can't really tell what they are. The second one resembles a peacock, but I can't really tell.
the fourth one is an albino peacock... i was just looking at them at my LFS
I'm a bit hesitant to agree with that.
The head shape, particularly in the mouth region, suggest an mbuna background as well.
I would say some sort of albino peacock/mbuna hybrid poofish. If the initial source of the fish is unknown unfortunatly you will never know.
the fourth pic has red on the end of the dorsal fin though and has yellow spots on the anal fin.. I have seen socolofi before too, and their bodies look a little longer than that. you are probably right though. I'm not expert when it comes to africans.
WaterPond said:
the fourth pic has red on the end of the dorsal fin though and has yellow spots on the anal fin.. I have seen socolofi before too, and their bodies look a little longer than that. you are probably right though. I'm not expert when it comes to africans.
I see the red now, and am now thinking it could be a hybrid or an albino zebra of some sort (probably not socolofi). The body shape looks mostly like my Albinos and they have the egg spots too, but no other color. They have a pinkish tint to their bodies, but their fins have a blue tint to them. The fish in question has head and mouth shaped like a Mbuna, but could be a hybrid.

The first is definitely a peacock of some type, not sure what though. The second I have no idea. Resembles a peacock, but its hard to tell.
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