Nano predators

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2013
What are some good predators for salt water nano tanks?
you could keep a mantis shrimp, or an angler, or a stone fish, or any of those species that just sits around and waits for prey....
here's my favorite. The wartskin angler-
frogfish.66182751.JPG big a nano are we talking? even some octopus stay small.
I am currently starting a nano that will have a gulf toadfish, (Opsanus beta) that is in quarantine right now, then he will go in a temp 10 gallon. Until I can get the display tank built it will be a 16 gallon bowfront, with enough filtration to keep a 100 gallon healthy, so I am looking to see maybe a tank mate(s) for him however I don't know if that is possible.

But I am also bouncing around some other ideas for nano monster tanks, the cuttlefish defiantly sound interesting and I will have to look into it.
Yeah I knew they would, I work for a company that builds custom tanks so getting a octopus tank wouldn't be the problem, although I have always found cuttlefish fish to be more interesting
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