Nano ?'s

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 25, 2006
Well It happened agin I feel the need to try salt water agin

I have a very Nice 55g FW Cichlid tank that I tried to make a SW tank out off before I gave Up and started the FW tank So now I'm looking for a Nano tank so I can once agin try SW water I love reef tanks and would like a few corals and 1 or 2 fish what do yall recommend I do PWC on my FW 1 -2 times a week so I'm not new to it what is a good Nano to start with at a decent price so if I mess up I wont be out the 1,000s of dollars a big tank would cost me

what are some of the differences I see 150w cubes and and 64w cubes

what do I need for a successful SW tank if you could list what I need to start with or what to buy it would be nice

thanks in advance
Check out this thread:
It will give you an idea of what a basic SW setup calls for.

Personally I wouldn't go with a cube.
I prefer to use regular all glass aquariums for my nanos instead.
Right now I'm using three 10gal tanks for nanos and they're working out nicely.
I like the incandescent hoods because I use the screw-in base PC 50/50 bulbs.
That thread is a great one, else, loyalrogue gave some good advice. Read the thread over and come back with some more specific questions. :)

Oh, and here at AA, we are picture nuts. So please take some of the tank. :)
Well I forgot to tell yall a Few things from the first failed attempt at a SW tank I have left over enough IO salt for at lest a 25g tank a hydrometeor and a cheap test kit I'll buy a good one if I ever get to the point of adding fish I also have the SW for dummies book it really help the fist time

The reason the fist attempt failed was One I was cheap bought a 55g tank from walmart that came with with cheap everything bought the salt and live rock and sand then added declor and salt and waited about 2 weeks when the salt and ph would never get under control I just said forget it and started a FW the only thing left from the Walmart kit is the tank every thing else has been ungraded and I now realize you cant go to walmart and buy a 100$ set up and have a SW tank

One of my good poker buddies owns a fish store so he can help me out I just need to know what size tank is best 10ga-25ga and what lights I need for coral and the steps for getting it going

whats the difference between the higher and lower priced aquapod just the lights and can you still keep coral with the cheaper of the two

sorry for typing a book thanks in advance
the very first thing you should do is evaluate what went wrong the first time around so you can avoid the same pitfalls this time. Going slow and relying n the good folks here there is no reason you should not suceed.
whats the difference between the higher and lower priced aquapod just the lights and can you still keep coral with the cheaper of the two
The Aquapod is not a bad "all-in-one" system. If you have intentions of doing softies and LPS corals you should really get the unit with more lighting. The standard version does not have suficiant lighting for a reef. I also recommend you ditch all of the filter media that comes with the units (like foam blocks, bioballs or ceramic rings) and replace them with LR rubble. It is a far superior biological filter media and you need to stack the odds in your favor when working with smaller tanks.
i just started my nano. i went with a 15 gal. i wanted something small but i wanted the length so i could have a nice aquascape. just look at the shape u like the most and go with that one. mine cost me about 350 to set up. including salt, hydrometer, sand, rock, light, heater, powerheads, filter and... ummm... ya lol. it is al working out for me so far but i highly reccomend that u invest in a refractometer. u can get one through ebay for a decent price. i hate my hydrometer. also invest in good salt. if u want to go reef the salt makes a huge difference. i cheaped out on big als boxing day sale and got the 200 gal red sea salt mix for 35 bucks. but i have been hearing nothing but bad news since i bought it. i will be investing in something better soon. take a look at my thread so u get an idea of what i was able to obtain. its called "i got salty"
OK well my 24g aquapod comes in tom. any advice from yall as I said the LFS guy is a poker buddy so I got it at a little over their cost and that was what he recommended for me as far a water should a use treated tap water or buy it from them he said he would sell my premixed salt water for 1$ a gallon then I will put mabe 20lbs of live rock in there and then what let it set for 5 to 10 weeks ?
turkey said:
OK well my 24g aquapod comes in tom. any advice from yall as I said the LFS guy is a poker buddy so I got it at a little over their cost and that was what he recommended for me as far a water should a use treated tap water or buy it from them he said he would sell my premixed salt water for 1$ a gallon then I will put mabe 20lbs of live rock in there and then what let it set for 5 to 10 weeks ?
At least two inches of sand (3-4" would be better), and atleast 35-40lbs of LR.
If it's already cured then your cycle will be considerably shorter.
Your cycle could take anywhere from a week to several weeks depending on how much nitrifying bacteria is on the rocks to start with.
The only way to know is to monitor your cycle with a decent test kit.

Don't use tap water unless you run it thru an RO/DI filter first.
Waaaay too many impurities that will build over time and cause nuisance algae blooms and headaches.

Good luck and congratulations!
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