Need a new Canister filter.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 18, 2011
So my canister filter is getting too old. So I was looking for new ones. Any idea what would be a good Canister filter for a 46 gallon fully stocked aquarium?

I'm willing to spend up to $200 for one.
I'm a big fan of the Rena XP canisters. An XP3 should be ideal. They're dead silent, powerful, and nothing is easier to service. It's my favorite canister. Other than those, Eheim is never a bad choice. They often outlast the aquarium they're filtering. You almost have to try to kill them to get them to stop working.
I have an ehim and yeah that thing is a hulk. Any other suggestions?
I run all Fluval Canisters, have since the 80's and they've always held up and worked great. I run a Fluval 406 on my 55's and that would give great filtration on a 46.
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