Need a new filter.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 12, 2014
So my filter on my 30 gallon long just broke. What would be a food filter that would last a couple years for around 100-120$. Also I took the media out and am letting float around my tank so the beneficial bacteria stays. I also have a small 10 gallon filter that always ran on it so would that be enough for it to stay cycled or will i have to re cycle it?

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Whichever is better.

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For a 30 long, I'd run a fluval c4 and penguin 200, the c4 for fine filtration and bio, and the penguin with a mesh pad for coarse filtration and added flow, they move water nicely.. $70 or so..
For an HOB I recommend an Aquaclear 50. For a canister I recommend a Fluval 206.

Now as to why. With the Aquaclear you can easily use the media of your choice. You don't have to replace the media as often as the manufacturer says except for the carbon. You don't have to use carbon if you don't want to. The filter is easy to clean and maintain.

With the Fluval canister, I like the Aquastop system. I like the media trays. It is easy to clean.

Replacement parts are readily available for both of these filters. Both have been reliable for me.

The HOB is quicker to clean but I clean mine weekly. The canister is a little more involved to clean, but I only need to clean mine once a month. Ymmv.
P.S. Both my recommended filters are in your price range. The HOB costs substantially less. If I recall I paid about $40 for my Aquaclear 50 and $110 for my Fluval 206. Both come with enough media to start out with.
OK thanks I'll check those out.

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Also I wanted to add sand to my tank so with the canister filter it won't suck up the sand like the hob the back would right?

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As long as your intake is above the sand no filter should suck up sand unless you are disturbing the sand while the filter is running or have a very rambunctious fish. If you need to you can put a foam pre filter over the intake of just about any filter.

I forgot to address your cycling question. There is no guarantee but putting the old filter material into the new filter is the way to go. At most you will probably have no more than a mini cycle.
Alright thanks for your help.

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Fluval C4 series is far superior to Aquaclear

For a 30 long, I'd run a fluval c4 and penguin 200, the c4 for fine filtration and bio, and the penguin with a mesh pad for coarse filtration and added flow, they move water nicely.. $70 or so..

Yes ..... no HOB beats the C4. I have 2 c3's, a C4 & an AC50. The AC50 is a relic from 1978. Go here and see my post #7:

See also: Filtration?sort=6&page=1
How do I setup the fluvial c4 with the penguin 200? Also the penguin 200 Is a sponge filter right?

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The penguin 200 is by marine land?

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Yes, I have one running with a an ac 50 on my 29, I inly like it because it has a great turn over rate and needs basic maintainance compared to the ac's or c4's... They're cheap on amazon too..
I dislike the Penguins due to inferior build quality and proprietary cartridges. AC 50 is a little small for a 30 long, a 70 would be a better choice and can run the tank just fine on its own. XP1 or Fluval 206 would be good choices for canisters.

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Hmm I'll check the ones you said mama. Again for thanks for all the help.

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