Need help stocking 30G tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 11, 2011
nonya :)
So I'm finally putting together my 36"L 30 gallon tank. I need help stocking it.
It's going to be a live planted tank with a DIY co2 set up and a 76W T5 fixture. I was wondering if any of the fish I had in mind would need special setup, such as air pumps? (Would the O2 disturb the CO2 in the tank?)

Here's what I had in mind:

(1) Angel
(2) dwarf gouramis
(5) tiger barbs
(3) silver mollys
(1) black tipped shark

Those are just some fish I would like, I know with all of them it would be overstocked. But what good combinations would make a nice community setup? I really like the angels but if their gunna get too big for the tank then I rather not.

Some other fish I like:

Dwarf gouramis

Cichilds<--- would my tank have to be brackish for them? And would they get too big?

Thanks for any feedback.
I don't know too much but I know cichlids are freshwater. In my opinion pick either dwarf gouramis or an angel not both due to the potential aggression. Run some stocking ideas through and you can get a decent idea of whay may or may not work together in your tank.
scarlett bandis... ( not what u had in mind... but great for planted tanks) one thing negative is they are extremely docile, and will take any beating without even moving... they will just let it happen.
(1) Angel
(2) dwarf gouramis
(5) tiger barbs
(3) silver mollys
(1) black tipped shark

No angels with tiger barbs and a 30g tank would only be good for 1 angel due to their adult size which is what you need to look at when stocking a tank.

A black tipped shark is SW so you must be wanting one of the proper FW aquarium ones and my guess is your talking about a Bala shark that is silver with black tipped fins. They get huge and are not suitable for such a small tank.

I also wouldn't keep tiger barbs with gourami's as the tigers will often nip at the gourami's feelers, which are modified pelvic fins.

You could do African cichlids. Just do some research on them and you might find they are what your looking for.
How about some Rainbows? There are many different kinds and colors. They make a very nice community tank. A roseline shark insead of the black tipped shark, they have lovley yellow and red stipes. Also take a look at clown loaches if you like the orange and black look of the tiger barbs.

I would not keep tiger barbs with gouramis or angles as they tend to be curious fin nippers.
Both Roseline Shark also know as the Denison's barb and Clown Loaches grow too large for a 30 gallon tank.
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