Need help with Planted set-up

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i bought a liquid fert called PlantGro, or something. i have noticed a ton of growth from my xmas moss, crypts, swords, bocopa, and wisteria. i have low to moderate light, and this liquid fert that i added helped alot.
I also vouch for Flourish Excel: Very good product. With a small tank don't bother with dry ferts, it's not worth it IMO.

Also not a tip but a comment: I love your color scheme. That black sand is sweet! It makes the green and the brown of the driftwood really pop.
Sounds like you have a nice selection of low light plants picked out so far. One word of caution though is that an amazon sword is going to overtake your ten gallon tank in short order. May I suggest adding a crypt in it's place? Just my $.02
Ok, now I am done:cool: I know I was warned about a sword but I figured Mr. B would enjoy playing in it and I could try to keep it trimmed. Let me know what you think!
RedNeck said:
Ok, now I am done:cool: I know I was warned about a sword but I figured Mr. B would enjoy playing in it and I could try to keep it trimmed. Let me know what you think!

Looks good. FYI you can't really "trim" a Sword. If it gets to tall you'll have to pull it and sell it or rehome it.
Ok.....that shouldnt be a problem. I am currently looking into a 100gal. tank locally.
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