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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 1, 2012
Yesterday I posted about my pregnant platy being harassed by a male. After looking at her closely she isn't pregnant at all. She has dropsy and is close to death.

I am pretty upset and quite frustrated. Mostly because Petsmart assured me that she was a pregnant female. Not a DYING female.

I guess my problem is this.....I am in a VERY rural area. I have three options as far as fish go. Petco, Petsmart, and Wal Mart. There are NO mom and pop fish stores nearby. The closest to my knowledge is about an hour and a half from here. Of those three, is there a preferred place to get a fish, or do they all stink?

Is there a humane way to euthanize this poor girl? She is upside down and struggling. It's depressing. :(
MPehl77 said:
Yesterday I posted about my pregnant platy being harassed by a male. After looking at her closely she isn't pregnant at all. She has dropsy and is close to death.

I am pretty upset and quite frustrated. Mostly because Petsmart assured me that she was a pregnant female. Not a DYING female.

I guess my problem is this.....I am in a VERY rural area. I have three options as far as fish go. Petco, Petsmart, and Wal Mart. There are NO mom and pop fish stores nearby. The closest to my knowledge is about an hour and a half from here. Of those three, is there a preferred place to get a fish, or do they all stink?

Is there a humane way to euthanize this poor girl? She is upside down and struggling. It's depressing. :(

I'm very sorry about your fish. :(
Here is the sticky on euthanasia.

What you need to do is some 'research' on your different options. Visit each one and observe their tank conditions, health of stock and knowledge of staff. You can then decide which one you want to shop for fish at. Another option is buying fish online.

It is a good idea to have a quarantine tank. That way if you do purchase a fish and it turns out to be diseased, it is separated from your healthy fish.
Thank you for your help. She died this afternoon.....

I have wondered about the online option....but didn't know who was reputable and its hard to buy from a place when you can't see their conditions up close. I think we will take our little fish back tomorrow and wait to add any so I can do some more homework.
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