Need something to slow the filter flow?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2023
Hi! This discovery just made my day so I thought I would share.

I had been wanting to add floating plants to my tank, but my flow was always too strong so I had to hold off. I saw this trick on TikTok and I just tried it -- IT WORKED :)

Just pick up some filter media that you can get at a local fish store or amazon, and kind of wedge it in your hang on the back filter. It doesn't slow the flow down (so your filter will work as normal) but instead disperses the water output so it is gradually flowing to all sides of the tank.

My betta is also super happy now, and it even makes less noise.
I use exactly the same. Gives the water a polish too. You can buy a big role of it on eBay very cheap.

I change it weekly/fortnightly as it can get clogged up.

When you have an air line, another good idea is to create a barrier for half the tank. So you got the water surface movement in one half and a place with no movement in the other where floating plants thrive.

That also allows the plants below get a lot of light. With slow growers on the opposite side IMG_20230821_124053.jpg
yess thanks for the comments guys! Just an update- this totally works!! so much improvement in my bettas behavior too. He's stopped glass surfing (finally I feel less worried) and willingly explores all of the tank even the areas he used to stay away from (which had mass amounts of flow, sorry mr betta). His little bubble nests are so cute now that he feels comfortable enough to make them. Soo happy :D
yess thanks for the comments guys! Just an update- this totally works!! so much improvement in my bettas behavior too. He's stopped glass surfing (finally I feel less worried) and willingly explores all of the tank even the areas he used to stay away from (which had mass amounts of flow, sorry mr betta). His little bubble nests are so cute now that he feels comfortable enough to make them. Soo happy :D

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