Neon Tetra Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2004
I have 6 neons in a 55gallon tank.. Established and all readings are good...
Sometimes 1 of the neons goes to the bottom of the tank in the corner and just stays there for hours at a time.. Right now, I have 2 neons staying at the bottom of the tank at opposite ends just sitting there.. why do they do this?

Thank you,
when you say your 55 gallon is estblished and all readings are good, which readings are you talking about? I have had several neon tetras, but they never sat at the bottom, they were all pretty good schools and swam together and stuff. The only time they did wierd stuff is when I did wierd stuff, or there was something wrong with the water.
What are the other tank inhabitants? Sometimes schooling fish need more numbers to demonstrate schooling behavior, sometimes they don't but if you do not have water quality issues and you do not have other tank inhabitants that could be bullying them, then I would add to their numbers.

Could be illness, or nothing at all. Watch for labored breathing or other signs of illness.
they are housed with 3 angels, 1 cat fishy, and 1 gold algae eater.
None of the other fish are boethering the neons.. Or at least I have never noticed anything..
all my readings (ammonia,ph,nitRIte,niTRate) are good..

Angels are known for eating neons in the wild, but I have kept them together without issues. Golden algae eaters are also known to develop aggressive tendencies as they mature, so that one should be watched, but if you haven't noticed particular aggression it might not be anything in particular.
BTW, sometimes neons can be like a "canary in a coal mine" and be the first ones to start acting odd when there are water quality issues at hand. Be sure you have zero ammonia, zero nitrite and stable nitrate around 40ppm or below. If your nitrate is higher just be sure it has remained so for a while. If that describes your tank, then you can cross water quality issues off your list, in general.
I agree with Tankgirl, watch your algae eater after lights out and see if he's chasing them or your angels are harassing them. I have a school of 12 in my 55 planted tank and never saw one sit in a corner. As a matter of fact one will get nervous and shoot around if he loses site of his school (buddies) their so cool in a big school :D
nod nod kenor, I love the tetras, cuz they always swim together, I had 18 of them together in a 28 tank once and it was awsome watching them swim all together in the same direction all the time.
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