New 10g tank with Ich!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 13, 2014
Hello! I'm new here, and Im very glad I found a app like this. I just started a SW 10g tank. Reason, my son saw I clownfish or " Nemo"at lfs. We'll I'm looking forward that you can help and guide me to this hobby. I'm from Philippines. Thanks
How to treat white spot? And what's the cause of if? Please help!!!! Thanks
All fish carry ich, it goes active when they get stressed. Just by looking I would say it was caused because you have to many fish in your tank. To treat you need to set up a qt tank and leave your 10 empty for a couple months.
Oh no! Unfortunately you have way to many fish in your tank :( 10g is really too small for one clownfish let alone two and three damsels. You can only really treat ich in a separate tank with a copper medication or using hypo salinity (lowering the salinity so the ich can die) This will be your first and most important lesson learned with salt water - don't rush in and do plenty of research before you set up your tank...
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