Just recently got into the hobby, been almost three weeks now. I have already received some great advice from the experts on this forum, which has been great. This being my first tank, I may be a little ambitious starting straight away with a planted aquarium, but I think the plants are at least half fun, and I think the fake ones look too tacky.
So far so good I guess, although I have lost a few neon tetras. Probably was a bad choice to start with, but it has become abundantly clear after reading this forum that the kid at my LFS has no flippin idea what he is doing.
Attached to this post is a link to my "log" for the aquarium. It shows my water test results over the last several weeks. Several areas I would say are "not good", but I hadn't started to panic yet - just trying to wait out this initial break in period. This onset of cloudy water the last 2 days has me worried though. There are some photos of this in the workbook. It also shows my water changes - maybe my schedule for this has been too ambitious (or not ambitious enough, I don't know)?
If anyone would like to take the time and look over the information regarding my new tank in the excel workbook at the link below and offer any kind of advice for a newbie, I would greatly appreciate it.
Part of the hobby it seems I am going to enjoy is simply the collection of data regarding my tank. I think it will be interesting to watch over time how my tank shapes up in this regard. i am also working on an access database that will make data collection even easier. I know there are some commercial products out there, but I have checked some of them out, and they just don't seem user friendly enough for me. Would anyone else be interested in using a tool like that, or am I over the top with the data collection here?
So far so good I guess, although I have lost a few neon tetras. Probably was a bad choice to start with, but it has become abundantly clear after reading this forum that the kid at my LFS has no flippin idea what he is doing.
Attached to this post is a link to my "log" for the aquarium. It shows my water test results over the last several weeks. Several areas I would say are "not good", but I hadn't started to panic yet - just trying to wait out this initial break in period. This onset of cloudy water the last 2 days has me worried though. There are some photos of this in the workbook. It also shows my water changes - maybe my schedule for this has been too ambitious (or not ambitious enough, I don't know)?
If anyone would like to take the time and look over the information regarding my new tank in the excel workbook at the link below and offer any kind of advice for a newbie, I would greatly appreciate it.
Part of the hobby it seems I am going to enjoy is simply the collection of data regarding my tank. I think it will be interesting to watch over time how my tank shapes up in this regard. i am also working on an access database that will make data collection even easier. I know there are some commercial products out there, but I have checked some of them out, and they just don't seem user friendly enough for me. Would anyone else be interested in using a tool like that, or am I over the top with the data collection here?