New 5.5 tank in cycle!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2012
Norfolk, VA
I'm so excited that my Betta Fantasy will be moving in to his new home soon. I'm running a fish less cycle now! I was shocked how helpful the consultant was at the store! He truly loves fish. BUT he was shocked I was setting up a 5.5 gallon tank for a Betta.
Fantasy is in heaven!!! He is loving the new tank!!! I am too it looks amazing!
Good for you!

I have 2 bettas, each in a 6.6 gal tank and they both love the extra room to swim back and forth. I'm sure Fantasy is loving his new home!
I ended up leaving pet store with another Betta... He is yellow and black crown tail!!! He is gorgeous... So second tank next pay day...
Moved Franz Kline into 5.5 today. Thought I would rotate space until I can get another tank! Fantasy seems so much happier in his 2 gallon bowl. He's been swimming non stop. He just hovered in larger tank. Kline on the other hand has taken over ever corner of the penthouse!
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