New 5 Gallon Tank! What Types of Fish Should I Get?

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Blue Belle

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 4, 2003
Pennsylvania USA
Hello! Yesterday I purchased a used 5g tank. Its acrylic and I believe it was originally purchased at walmart. I'm in the process of disinfecting it and am wondering what type of fish I should buy.

I was thinking about getting a betta. What other species of fish do well in a 5g aquarium? Also, how many fish can thrive in a 5g?

I was also wondering if I should add live plants to the tank. I know that they are very helpful with the cycling of the tank, but since the tank is so small I'm wondering if I should just go with plastic plants.

I don't want to overcrowd the tank, so any advice is much appriciated!


Guppies are awesome and do really well when crowded. They can take high amounts of salt and low amounts of oxygen. Buy a few girls and a boy and they will breed like rabbits.

If your tank has a heater that widens your options. Bettas are the one fish I can't keep alive. they seem to like it dirty, though.

Also, goldfish, while underrated, can make great pets.

good luck and welcome to the forum!
Get a couple of platties
They come in a range of colours and they are quite hardy fish. Only get platties if you have a heater though because they are tropical fish. They are great to start off the cycle :wink:
I have a six gallon tank that I have a beta, some neon tetras, and an african dwarf frog. I've had it a little more than a year now and it's been great. I haven' t had any problems.
I second the neon tetras. They are small so you can get a small school of them (at least 5 or 6 cause they like to be in schools)...and still have room for a couple of other fish. I have a school of 16 in my 10g tank...i love watching them swim around in one big
Sorry Imw80, but i won't really recommend neon tetras for a new aquarium...
I've personally got 5 of them but they weren't a really good fish to start off the cycle.

And yes buy live plants...they consume ammonia and nitrite which will lower the risk of the fish dieing. But remember that live plants need sufficient light and CO2 to thrive.

Hope i've helped (and again i'm sorry to disagree with you Imw80)

I will definately recommend neon tetras for developed tanks as they are really great to have but i wouldn't buy them for new tanks
Plants need more lighting that comes with most stock 5 gallon hoods. Head over to the planted forum and ask a few ?s
I think for a 5 gallon the neon tetras would be fine. In bigger tanks I definitly would not recommend them to start off the cycle, but in a 5 gallon they should be fine...given you buy a school of them.
My lttle bro has zebra danio in his tank which he got over a year ago, and they were the first fish in and they are still alive today! They wont die! lol
If you are getting plants i would recomened java moss. Very easy plant and grows like mad.
good luck with your new tank!
Most livebearers, neons, and danios would do very well. You could also try white clouds. However, goldfish are not the best choice. Though many times seen in small bowls, goldfish in the long run ned high filtration and more room to grow. Also, though it seems difficult, a saltwater tank isnt impossible in a tank that size. some live sand on the bottom, a piece of live rock, and the current filter would be great. Then, you could have a snail or two, and small shrimp, and a damsel. this would be a wonderful tank. You would need a heater, salt, and test kits, but other than that a saltwater tank is not too hard to have.
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